If you see charges on your payment method that don’t appear on a Google account you own or control, we recommend you contact your payment method’s fraud department immediately.
If the charges you don’t recognize are on your Google account, click the troubleshooter below:
Check if charges are from Google Play
- On your billing statement, check how the charges appear. All Google Play purchases will appear on your statement, under the following names:
- "GOOGLE*App developer name" (for Android apps)
- "GOOGLE*App name" (for Android apps)
- "GOOGLE*Content type" (i.e. "GOOGLE*Books")
- If the charge in question isn't in one of these formats, it didn't come from Google Play. Contact your payment provider (for example, bank or card-issuer) for more information.
Important: If you suspect a family member or friend made the purchases, you may be eligible for a refund. For Google Play transactions, you can request a refund.